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Wanna chat? Have a general inquiry? We'd love to hear from you!


Interested in being a guest on the show or having your book reviewed? Contact us with your details and we will determine if you would be a good fit. If any potential guests would like more detailed information on what they can expect when appearing on the show, please feel free to download our informational sheet here.


Review Policy

We appreciate your interest in wanting to have your book reviewed by Brad and J. We promote our reviews not only here on the site, but on other various social media platforms such as YouTube, Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram, etc. as well as posting written reviews on Amazon. Physical ARC's work best to be able to showcase your book online, but we also accept digital ARC's in epub format as well.


Please note that we are only two guys who do this as a hobby in our free time. This is not a job for us. As much as we'd love to review every book submitted unfortunately there just isn't enough time in the day for us to do so. We will do our best to read and review every book we are sent but our acceptance of an ARC does NOT guarantee a review, does NOT guarantee a review will be posted by a certain deadline, and does NOT guarantee a positive review. We take pride in our reviews and our honesty and integrity are important to us as well as to our readers who trust our opinions.


Please use the below contact form to provide us with the book title, author name, synopsis, release date, page count, and the number of copies and format(s) available for review and we will get back to you with further details.


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